Spark Punks

Spark Punks

As The Kyn Dynasty grew in size and strength, their dwindling resources were stretched thin. Locomotives and factories ran cold, unable to obtain the coal needed to keep their boilers fired. The scientists and engineers experimenting with electricity would provide the technological revolution needed to carry the Dynasty into the future.

Much more than a means of manufacturing, the infernal contraptions hitting the markets would prove versatile in both production and weaponry. The Spark Punk engineers would soon become the new face of the Kyn Dynasty military. Powerful shock-troopers use spark technology to eradicate the opposite and cull the weak.

Now that Aether is being imbued into filaments and metals, engineers are accomplishing feats previously unimagined. Among these technological breakthroughs are flight and teleportation. There is no telling what the limits of this new technology will yield.  




The Spark Punks overwhelm their enemy with mobility and the element of surprise. Teleportation technology and shock-weapons confuse and eviscerate their enemies. Spark Punks are able to reposition themselves and their enemies on the battlefield, move in unique ways and attack through units in their path.