Pact of Laurel Ridge

The Pact of Laurel Ridge

The relentless pursuit from the Kyn Dynasty pushed deep into the mountain kingdoms of the once-mighty Dwarven Empire. Battered warriors began to weigh the consequences of their failed war efforts on the future of their fractured clans.

With backs pressed against the mountain, the Dwarven warriors held their ground. Despite their heroic efforts, the final blow was near. Dawn brought the final advance of the Kyn soldiers, ready to strike the killing blow to the last retinue of their enemies. In a surge of confusion, thousands of unexpected goblin soldiers flowed down the sides of the ridge like molten lava, decimating the Kyn army.On that day, two ancient rivals swore oaths and a pact was signed in the field of blood soaked laurels.

Together, the Dwarves and Goblins fight a gruesome guerilla war against the Kyn Dynasty and anyone who gets in their way. Is this unlikely union as strong as the Kyn Dynasty fears, or is it doomed to split apart in blood and chaos?


Dwarven and Goblin


The Pact of Laurel Ridge can only be successful through merciless subterfuge and terror. The Dwarven clans and goblins lack the numbers and resources to meet any army head-on so they must fight dirty. The Pact will employ the use of traps, suicidal madmen and unexpected cooperation to confuse and cripple their enemies.